Siegfried Dubois
I am a second year PhD student in bioinformatics, currently working on pangenome graph comparison and representation; located in the GenScale research team at INRIA Centre Rennes-Bretagne, in France.
- SeqBim 2023 & DSB 2024 - Towards an edit distance between pangenome graphs.
- MIGGS 2024 - Interfacing pangenome graphs using pancat.
- Pairwise graph edit distance characterizes the impact of the construction method on pangenome graphs. Siegfried Dubois, Claire Lemaitre, Matthias Zytnicki and Thomas Faraut. bioRxiv 2024.12.06.627166.
Main developper
- rs-pancat-compare. Compute an edit distance between pangenome graph using segmentation.
- rs-pancat-paths. Execute querries on the paths of a GFA file (pangenome share indices, anchor nodes, fasta extraction...).
- py-pancat. Proof-of-concept toolkit and visualisation tool (for graph edit distance) to handle GFA graphs.
- gfagraphs. Python library to manipulate GFA files, load, save, create a coordinate system, edit the graph...
- sharepg. Proof-of-concept analysis of shared parts in a pangenome.
- wisp. Metagenomic families assignment using a hierarchical decision trees approach on small k-mers.
- INVPG. Tool to annotate inversions from pangenome graph bubbles.
- awesome-pangenomes. List of software for pangenomics.
- PC member of SeqBim 2024
- Maintainer of How-to-pangenome
- Oriented-Object Programming, Master 2
- Structured Data, Licence 2
- Introduction to Java, Licence 1
- Introduction to Java, Licence 1
- Student project, Licence 1